Mexssub Sleeve System
The Mexssub Sleeve System (MSS) delivers permanent pipeline integrity solutions worldwide, both preventative and corrective, with the ultimate goal of providing risk-reducing alternatives that oil and gas operators can rely on.
With four key applications, the Mexssub Sleeve System is the only Det Norske Veritas (DNV) certified permanent repair for subsea oil and gas pipelines.
New Constructions
The Mexssub Sleeve System is installed onto a new pipeline’s splash zone segment (spool) off site. The adapted spool is then inserted during construction of the new pipeline, establishing an otherwise vulnerable splash zone segment that will never require a repair.
Similar to the new construction application, the Mexssub Sleeve System is installed offsite onto the incoming replacement pipeline segment, establishing a new segment that will never require another complex, expensive, and risky repair.
Using the Mexssub Habitat System, Mexssub welders apply the Mexssub Sleeve System in-situ, restoring the pipeline’s mechanical integrity and eliminating further corrosion. This approach allows for the permanent repair of a damaged pipeline without suspending production. To date, this technology has saved our customers over $4 billion during the repair process alone.
Mexssub's AB Sleeve is mechanically clamped around a leaking pipeline as an emergency response, and with the use of the Mexssub Habitat System, is afterwards welded onto the pipeline thereby converting it into a permanent repair.